You never know where a "sales call" will present itself.
In case you don't recognize this park; it's the
Daniel Boone Homestead, off of Route 422 in Birdsboro, Pennsylvania. I stopped there today on my lunch break to have a look and was quite impressed. I have passed the signs since the early 90's and never took the time to check it out.
While taking some pictures; I came upon a gentleman that turned out to be the Head Groundskeeper and we had a very good conversation about history, and then of course we discussed products used at this park.
If anyone is looking for a "Diamond in the Rough"; this is the place! There is approximately 170 acres in this area, that contain over four miles of hiking trails. There are picnic areas, camping areas and a shooting range for re-enactors. Weekends have the houses and barns open for viewing, and the grounds are immaculate.
* Many people think that Daniel Boone died at the Alamo, but that was Davey Crockett.
* The Homestead was a hiding place of a number of copies of the Declaration of Independence, and served as a meeting place for our Founding Father's while it was being discussed and formulated.